What is Heart Rhythm Associates?
Heart Rhythm Advocates (HRA) is a new organization established by the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS) for the purpose of advocating for the care of patients with heart rhythm disorders and the healthcare professionals that serve them. HRA is a separate but affiliated organization with a different tax operating status. HRS is a 501(c)(3) which limits some of the political actions the organization can take. HRA will be structured as a 501(c)(6) organization that can more effectively raise and expend money on political activities.
The Governing Board is currently in the process of researching and determining the best structures and processes to effectively reach HRA's objectives. As more details are developed they will be shared on this site.
How is Heart Rhythm Advocates Different than HRS?
HRA will have its own Governing Board and operate independently of HRS. HRS is establishing the initial operating foundation for HRA and HRS will maintain a close affiliation as defined by the established bylaws of both organizations and legal status of each. HRS and HRA will share infrastructure and resources where appropriate and permitted by IRS regulations.
HRS will provide $1,000,000 in initial funding to establish HRA. This funding cannot be used to establish a PAC. Only separate funding raised by HRA can be used for that purpose. Members past support is making it possible for HRS to initiate this effort, as the HRA launch is being funded by HRS reserves. HRA will be required to raise further funds independent of HRS to sustain the organization’s efforts going forward.
Why is HRA Needed?
Impact on Physicians
The CMS reimbursement cuts of 2021 and 2022 were draconian and the challenges in addressing them prompted the HRS Board to establish Advocating for EP as a strategic priority.
HRS developed a multi-faceted advocacy plan identifying the need to address a gap in the ability to increase our lobbying efforts and form a Political Action Committee. The best way to accomplish this objective was to form the separate organization with no limitations.
Innovations and practices in heart rhythm care field are evolving rapidly outpacing the payment structure tied to its interventions, Greater AFib and SCA Awareness is driving a surge in volume of diagnosed patients and the need for an increasing number of EP procedures. U.S. Government reimbursement models have increased scrutiny on costs of arrhythmia treatments due to increased volumes.
Reduction in compensation or increasing workloads contribute to physician burnout and difficulty in recruitment of new physicians to electrophysiology.
Impact on Patients
Too few heart rhythm care providers particularly in under-served communities puts access to care for all patients at risk of not receiving proper care from a trained electrophysiologist.
Government and private payers denial of coverage or slow acceptance of new, scientifically proving technology, therapy or procedures also puts some patients at greater risk and increases performance pressure on physicians.
Organizing HRA
The HRA Governing Board is currently considering the committee and regional engagement structure of the newly formed organization. Some of the proposed committees are:
Membership Committee
Allied professionals Committee
Global Advocacy Committee
Communication and Press Committee
Research And Analysis
Industry Alliance Committee
Hospital Administration Committee
Remote Monitoring Task-Force
HRA is committed to engaging members in the advocacy process at a local/regional level and providing leadership development opportunities and recognition for advancing the HRA mission. Stay tuned for more information on committee nominations and regional opportunities.